Monday, September 19, 2005

Say Hey, Me Hearties!

This Monday be th' International Talk Like a Pirate Day an' I be wishin' ya fair winds an' a rich haul.

Some booty:
--The Talk Like A Pirate site.

--An automated English-Pirate translator.

--The Pirate Ring, linkin' to o'er 100 piratical sites!

[More booty:

--Where to get yer pirate name. Ye can be startin' on callin' me Mad Mary Flint, an ye please.

--Jim "Pirate Macon the Staggering Drunk" MacDonald at Makin' Light has more.]


Anonymous Anonymous:

By the way, my lame, half-assed response to you in "pirate" at ObWi was because apparently the english-to-pirate translator is broken and no longer works. Oh well, you know what they say about Americans and foreign languages...

9/19/2005 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous:

Here via making the light with the need to say:

But... but... I have a friend already named Mary Flint! AAaaarg! She is a saucy wench, though!

9/19/2005 06:03:00 PM  
Blogger Marilee Scott:

Ya know, all I'se being t' needin' t' say is tha I bought me a pirate patch fer th' day, in anticeepation, as they say, of th'halloween's day's piracy.

I be a'saddened to hear that th' pirate-t'-English dictionarie be o'erwhelm'd; as ye may guess, fer me, talk-like-a-pirate-day be no dilletantish passion!

9/25/2005 12:57:00 AM  

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