Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Left Blogosphere Awards

The Koufax Awards process is starting! It's an award for lefties, which means that it is open, communitarian, and takes forever. Since this really is a grassroots process, nominations in the various categories will remain open until next week sometime. It's an expensive process, collating and tabulating these nominations and votes. If I had any expendable income, I'd throw some to the volunteers who've run the Koufax awards these last five years. After all, it was by following the links from Josh Marshall, some time back in 2002, that I discovered what people were really up to online.

Also, The Poor Man Institute has begun voting for its second-annual Kippie Awards (named for Kip Winger), for excellence in bombastic, awful, lunatic, right-wing, public argumentation. Some centrist enablers have been included for diversity. It's a fine collection of "they said what?!" moments from the last year, and it's hard to choose between them.


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